Why Do Business Here?

Hondo welcomes the opportunity to work with you to develop your business operations in our city. We offer a low cost of doing business through readily available land, low taxes, reliable and sustainable sources of electricity, natural gas, and water. Our city has a favorable business climate that is enthusiastically supported by community leaders and the community as a whole.

Hondo is a city with a population of 9,305 located on U.S. Highway 90 West just 41 miles west of San Antonio with the Eagle Pass, Laredo, and San Antonio Triangle. The proximity to the greater San Antonio metropolitan network of roadways allows for easy transit and flexibility for new business ventures.

Our South Texas Regional Intermodal Park and Airport consists of 975 acres of available land ready for development. The intermodal park is located one-half mile from U.S. Highway 90 and parallel to the Union Pacific Railroad line. The Union Pacific Railroad owns and maintains the railroad through the city. Hondo Railway, a short rail operator, runs the rail port and coordinates with UP and BNSF for all train movements.

The South Texas Regional Airport has 4 active runways, over 400k square feet of tarmac, and apron space that is capable of handling aircraft from a small Cessna to a Boeing 737 and the lowest aviation fuel prices in the area. The airport terminal offers concierge services to all pilots including a courtesy van for local ground transportation.

The city coordinates with Workforce Solutions Alamo to advertise your employee needs, collect all employee applications, and prepare a list of applicants that meet your requirements. We will conduct a Job Fair for your company upon request. Texas also offers a Skills Development Fund that in cooperation with industry and the local community college assists businesses by designing, financing, and implementing customized job training programs.

Hondo’s South Texas Regional Training Center partners with the Southwest Texas Junior College and Goodwill Industries of San Antonio to offer training for your personnel as requested. Tax credits are also available to companies that hire persons under the Welfare to Work program. We will assist in completing the applications to qualify for these programs.

Hondo has a tax abatement program as part of the incentives offered to businesses that are seeking to locate in our city. Each request for any tax abatement is done on a case-by-case basis. Upon your formal commitment to initiate your operation in Hondo, the city will consider designating your site as an Enterprise Zone project and Freeport Zone. This will allow you to take advantage of certain property tax exemptions and to apply for funding for your project from the State of Texas.

We look forward to partnering with you to make your company an integral part of our local business community. Your business is important to us because it diversifies our business and commercial environment and provides Hondo with a presence in the national and international markets. But more importantly, your company provides jobs for the community.
